How NLP Can Boost the Marketing plan

Knowing how the mind processes information and images can help marketers build the right message. In the movie Groundhog Day, Bill Murray’s character, Phil, must repeatedly face Ned, an obnoxious man attempting to sell him life insurance. Ned is so obtuse (although perhaps deliberately so) that he seems utterly oblivious to the fact that Phil has no wish to talk to him. Arguably, most people are not as dense as Ned is, but some are certainly more skilled than others at reading non-verbal cues. This skill is valuable in any area of life but is especially valuable for those involved in marketing. Because one of its main focuses is on communication, training in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, or NLP, is something that can help marketers increase their level of rapport with their customers. By studying NLP, you can learn “principles that turn you into a more powerful, confident and flexible communicator.” What Is NLP? Neuro-Linguistic Programming is ...