The phycology behind video marketing

Internet Video Traffic will be over 80% of all consumer internet traffic in 4 yrs. do you want a piece of this pai ? If you’ve been following digital marketing trends, it’s no surprise that video is shifting and shaping the world of marketing more than ever in 2017 . And if there’s anything to take away from 2016, it’s that video is no longer an option for marketers — it’s a vital part of any content strategy that wants to taste success. How common is it to see someone deeply engrossed in a video on their mobile device? In just a few years, it will take an individual more than 5 million years to watch the amount of video that will cross global IP networks each month. Every second, a million minutes or almost 17,000 hours of video content will cross the network by 2021, according to Cisco. Well, why? Why is video marketing is a favorable and effective choice? An article published by Prof. Albert Mehrabian in 1967 about nonverbal communication showed tha...