Management dilemmas - the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

As managers, we face daily dilemmas that require our attention. Whether to dismiss an employee or move him from a department, whether to take a specific project, whether the customer is strategic or profitable, should stick to the strategy or plan goals. The experience of "being or stopping" is an experience that accompanies us for many hours in any managerial position. For this is the meaning of being a manager, or even more so, being a leader. How many of you have found yourself regretting a decision he made? How many dilemmas do you run a day? Are they all big and challenging or small and light? Did you choose to learn from any dilemma or not? The first dilemma in the history of mankind was presented to King Solomon. When he faced two assertive and intelligent women. Each of them holds that the child is hers. The arguments were persuasive and even identical - they both loved him, gave birth to him, replaced him with the Pampers, got up at night,...