Management dilemmas - the whole is greater than the sum of its parts

As managers, we face daily dilemmas that require our attention. Whether to dismiss an employee or move him from a department, whether to take a specific project, whether the customer is strategic or profitable, should stick to the strategy or plan goals. The experience of "being or stopping" is an experience that accompanies us for many hours in any managerial position. For this is the meaning of being a manager, or even more so, being a leader.

How many of you have found yourself regretting a decision he made? How many dilemmas do you run a day? Are they all big and challenging or small and light? Did you choose to learn from any dilemma or not?

The first dilemma in the history of mankind was presented to King Solomon. When he faced two assertive and intelligent women. Each of them holds that the child is hers. The arguments were persuasive and even identical - they both loved him, gave birth to him, replaced him with the Pampers, got up at night, traveled to Latif Halav, and more.

In solving the dilemma, so existential, King Solomon presented two brilliant management abilities in my eyes called the integration of information and creativity. Abilities of a leader. This solution led to truth in the story and returned the child to his biological mother.

When my father was 47, the company he worked in went bankrupt. He had worked in the same company since his discharge from the army, he loved what he did and the place itself. It was also a bad time to look for work. The Israeli economy has only completed Moda's plan, which is known to eliminate inflation. Nevertheless, my father's professionalism went ahead and he received two inquiries from the branch in which he worked. One is managing a factory within a kibbutz. A process that brought kibbutz members to the whole family. The second is to work in the same position in a competing company at a higher salary. He had to decide quickly.

The model I successfully use in guiding managers in solving management and business dilemmas is the VISUAL SQAUSE model. The model is suitable for conflict situations when we have difficulty deciding between two opposite desires.

This approach was developed by Dr. Richter Bendler (mathematician) and Dr. John Grinder (linguist) and incorporates tools and techniques to create influence and success. In the United States, which produced models of excellence and practical techniques to create immediate interpersonal and interpersonal effects.

The VISUAL SQAUSE model puts us in the position of King Solomon and gives us the ability to integrate quickly and creatively in a solution that is comfortable for us and easy to organize. In the process, we give each option name, essence, and color. The type of re-framing of each side separately until the identification of the upper direction is shared by the two parts. When the two options converge through a series of questions, a third picture emerges, which is the integration of the two. The third option may be one of the first options but with another timing and the like. But there is a process of learning here. Learning that provides you with the understandings and abilities that can accompany you later.

This brilliant process provides a degree of coherence in the work process in particular and in the stressful and hectic schedule of each manager in general.

My father, by the way, decided to buy the company that went bankrupt and turned it into a diamond.

Dilemmas in the managerial arena are positive. Because they take us out of the frame, letting us learn everything we need. It is surprising to find out how much.


  1. אילנית,קראתי בעניין רב את הדילמה שאת מציגה ואיך בעזרת מודל VISUAL SQAUSE ניתן לקדם תהליכים.מהכרותי איתך את רצינית ואני בטוחה שכל מי שיבקש ממך שירותי יעוץ אסטרטגי ירוויח.בהצלחה אורלי ק


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