5 Steps to Create a Marketing Plan
Step 1: situation analysis
Make the situation analysis a succinct overview of the company’s
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses
refer to characteristics that exist within the business, while opportunities
and threats refer to outside factors. To determine the company’s strengths,
consider the ways that its products are superior to others, or if the service
is more comprehensive, for example. What do you offer that gives the business a
competitive advantage? Weaknesses, on the other hand, can be anything from
operating in a highly saturated market to a lack of experienced staff members.
Next, describe any external opportunities that can capitalize on,
such as an expanding market for the product. Don’t forget to include any
external threats to the company’s ability to gain market share so that
succeeding sections of the plan can detail the ways you’ll overcome those
Positioning the product involves two steps. First, analyzing the
product’s features and decide how they distinguish the product from its
competitors. Second, decide what type of buyer is most likely to purchase the
product. What are you selling? Convenience? Quality? Discount pricing? Sorry, you
can’t offer it all. Knowing what the customers want helps you decide what to offer,
and that brings us to the next section of the plan.
Step 2: Describe the target audience
Developing a simple, one-paragraph profile of the prospective
customer is the next step. You can describe prospects in terms of
demographics—age, sex, family composition, earnings, and geographic location—as
well as lifestyle. Ask the following: Are my customers conservative or
innovative? Leaders or followers? Timid or aggressive? Traditional or modern?
Introverted or extroverted? How often do they purchase what I offer? In what
If you’re a B2B marketer, you may define the target audience based
on their type of business, job title, and size of business, geographic location
or any other characteristics that make them possible prospects. No matter who the
target audience is, be sure to narrowly define them in this step because it
will be the guide as you plan the media and public relations campaigns.
Step 3: List the marketing goals
What do you want the marketing plan to achieve? For example, are
you hoping for a 20 percent increase in sales of the product per quarter? Write
down a shortlist of goals—and make them measurable so that you’ll know when
you’ve achieved them.
Step 4: Develop the marketing communications
strategies and tactics you’ll use
This step is the heart and soul of the marketing plan. In the
previous steps, you outlined what the marketing must accomplish and identified the
best prospects; now it’s time to detail the tactics you’ll use to reach these
prospects and accomplish the goals.
A good marketing program targets prospects at all stages of the
sales cycle. Some marketing tactics, such as many forms of advertising, public
relations, and direct marketing, are great for reaching cold prospects. Warm
prospects—those who've previously been exposed to the marketing message and
perhaps even met you personally—will respond best to permission-based email,
loyalty programs, and customer appreciation events, among others. The hottest
prospects are individuals who’ve been exposed to the sales and marketing
messages and are ready to close a sale. Generally, interpersonal sales contact
(whether in person, by phone, or email) combined with marketing adds the final
heat necessary to close sales.
To complete the tactics section, outline the primary marketing
strategies, then include a variety of tactics you’ll use to reach prospects at
any point in the sales cycle. For example, you might combine outdoor
billboards, print advertising, and online local searches to reach cold prospects
but use email to contact the warm prospects.
To identify the ideal marketing mix, find out which media the
target audience turns to for information on the type of product or service you
sell. Avoid broad-based media—even if it attracts the target audience—if the
content isn't relevant. The marketing tactics you choose must reach the
prospects when they’ll be most receptive to the message.
Step 5: Set the marketing budget
You’ll need to devote a percentage of projected gross sales to the
annual marketing budget. Of course, when starting a business, this may mean
using newly acquired funding, borrowing, or self-financing. Just bear this in
mind—marketing is absolutely essential to the success of the business. And with
so many different kinds of tactics available for reaching out to every
conceivable audience niche, there’s a mix to fit even the tightest budget.
As you begin to gather costs for the marketing tactics you outlined
in the previous step, you may find you’ve exceeded the budget. Simply go back
and adjust the tactics until you have an affordable mix.
The key is to never stop marketing.
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