Storytelling using NLP

whether you need to build a narrative, product marketing title, or something else,  you need the 4MAT

Whenever I talk to one of my colleagues, marketers, about building the story or message for a product or company, the question always arises - how to start?
Building a narrative is never a simple task. Even the best storyteller would say that. The question always arises - how do I translate this message into the market. How do I make the story accurate, so that the target audience understands it, and gets excited about it?

There is no simple or uniform formula to build the story the narrative. After writing hundreds of marketing articles, value propositions, product positioning, and messages for companies I worked for. I can tell you honestly, this is definitely something that isn’t structured or easy.
A few years ago, I came across an interesting model of how to build a lecture structure using NLP the approach, which I think was a good way to start. So, here's the secret
The model is built on 4 levels of content structure it called the 4MAT

WHAT - what are you going to talk about in general. One line. What product are you going to write, what company is the service
WHY - Give the company or product information. What is the story of the product, what it does, what it serves?
HOW - how the product works
WHAT IF - Includes questions and answers and highlights of important points. In addition, the inclusion of the product in the business arena.

·        The story can be changed according to the target audience, and no need to stick to the original version. AKA product marketing
·        In building short messaging, it is important to create curiosity rather than comparison to other products in the market
·        It is important to tell about something meaningful, which is hidden behind the message - that is how the thinking can be directed, as the information will be implemented and create engagement.

So, are you up to it?


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