How does optimal internal organizational communication improve organizational effectiveness?

 In the book: Organization Development and Change, published in 2014, Worley & Cumming presented one of the most comprehensive and systematic models for diagnosing organizational effectiveness.


The model relies on two main approaches:

The open systems approach and the dependency approach and through it the following can be analyzed and diagnosed:

A. The impact of the environment and its interactions with the organization

B. The interrelationships and interdependence between the subsystems in the organization, the degree of adequacy between them, the relationships within the subsystems and between them, and the system inputs.

Through a work plan that relies on this model, the development of optimal organizational communication will address the talent connectedness to the various existing circuits in the organization and the interface points between them.

In my opinion, the more circles in which the talent is present and significant, the greater the talent's sense of belonging and loyalty to the organization and the effectiveness, efficiency, flexibility, and innovation.

So what are those circles? 

Talent as a whole world:

Strengthening the personal connection with him, seeing his needs, desires, and aspirations will work wonders in his connection to the organization and his desire to stay and invest for the success of the organization and the achievement of its goals.

The talent as part of a group/groups:

Most of the time, the person knows and works with a limited number of people. As the level of personal acquaintance within the teams and with the personal managers/task leaders increases, the emotional and personal connection will increase, the transmission of messages, the quality of discourse and communication will improve and therefore in addition to employee retention, the quality and efficiency of work will improve.

Talent as a significant part of the organization:

The organization’s advantage is in the diversity, in the interest, in the number of projects conducted in parallel, in the variety of customers, the interesting fields and talents that create and operate in it.

Talent retention can be accomplished by flattening the organization in front of the employee and expanding the opportunities for mobility, learning, or doing things together with different factors in the organization.

In this way, we will streamline work processes, avoid double work/follow-up of projects due to short communication and build new knowledge created from fascinating connections.

The talent is connected and a partner in what is happening in the entire organization:

We need to create mechanisms for making information, knowledge, and what is happening in real-time accessible in all parts of the organization.

Connect to the core values ​​and characteristics that distinguish and differentiate us as a brand.

As we invest in connecting the individual to the organization, we will create transparency and sharing goals, strategy, work plans, existing and future projects ... we will be asked and consulted and encouraged open and two-way communication, the talent will feel partnered, connected, and meaningful and the sense of loyalty will increase.

The talent is connected to the overall picture:

We need to connect employees to the broad picture of the organization's management (environmental impacts, connection to investors, customers, competitors, suppliers ...) and how these affect the organization's goals, strategy, and economic strength.

In addition, we must build a culture that encourages the talent to tell about the organization and its work and to represent it in its environment.

As the sense of partnership and connection increases, so does the desire to work for and with the organization.


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