Intra-organizational communication as a marketing generator

From inbound marketing to outbound marketing. How to turn organizational capital into an organic promoter.

The discourse on intra-organizational communication is already asleep. Companies already understand that employees are more involved in what is happening in the organization and are more committed to the organization and are more productive. But there is still a gap in Ben's marketing efforts to reach a client and a dialogue with him. What about becoming an ambassador? Organic promoter?

When most companies' resources are directed to customer engagement, how many of them miss the real-time conversation? We follow the customer at all possible digital nodes, use sophisticated content and social networking tools, but what really happens when the customer reaches us? And how do we really increase our income and/or increase brand equity?

In my opinion, this is the importance of intra-organizational communication. The combination of external marketing efforts and intra-organizational marketing efforts simultaneously. The representative on behalf of the company meets the potential customer at many intersections daily but does not clarify it. Here's the problem. The insight that every employee in the company is a brand representative is still innovative and requires a holistic vision. The question that must be asked now is whether all the employees understand the new campaign, its goals?

Would you buy a luxury outfit when the seller is wearing a bathing suit? In a world of networking that is accessible, can employees be missed as an effective and reliable marketing tool? The answer is an unequivocal no. Every employee and every level must understand the marketing process and its goals. This is the only way he becomes an ambassador. It is enough for one social network to battle a campaign as meticulously as it may be. That is why the human factor enters into society. Think of a Friday dinner where your employee is present - how many customers are there or potential he meets? How many questions do I have and how much information does he have?

For example, over a decade ago, the company focused on customer engagement and decided to monitor existing Twitter customers and improve their satisfaction. A successful translation of a communication group by using a legitimate communication channel to improve service Strengthening brand values, but the idea came from a service representative who entertained the social network at the beginning of his career and thought that the algorithm suited the technological process that the company presented to its employees.

Another example is professional conferences. Technology companies have realized that the way to communicate with the customer is through the employee. In most professional conferences around the world, salespeople scan the prospect's business card on the smartphone, in an app that sends him an instant request to log in to the sales person's LinkedIn page. This is the use of the employee's personal portfolio and becoming an ambassador while enhancing the value of the brand's accessibility. This is not harassment, it's a successful social networking campaign.

In a survey conducted by ROI Communications among 697 leading companies, "corporate investment and media effectiveness clearly predict higher revenue per share."

So the next time you run a campaign or rebrand or building a marketing budget will first convince the human capital, from there will come capital.


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