Jesus, Mohammed and Moshe - the champions of social networking marketing

The introduction of social networks into our lives raises the question of how we managed before? The ICQ Messenger and their like were not so comprehensive and accurate and did not increase our virtual membership pool.

LINKEDIN, TWITTER, XING, CAFÉ-THE MARKER, FACEBOOK, SPOKE, MYPLACE are just representative examples of a networked social network based on content away from us.

Social networks have made us more active, more energetic and creative, and paradoxically - more sociable in the most virtual aspect.

At the same time, we have transformed the world into a small global village where messages can be transmitted from one side of the ocean to the other, with one small click, not at the level of purchasing and information, but at the level of networking and marketing tools. Every business owner of any size can not ignore the marketing power inherent in each network, and the platform that allows him to look at his client in the white of the eye.

In the business world, where differentiation is a top priority in marketing budget optimization and is included in any strategic plan, social networks are the tactical program.

Every smart advertiser knows that his advertising pie does not end with 5 major local sites and 2 international, but also the right side of the social network pages, moreover, optimizing a web campaign is better when it contains several messages and is segmented by character And the social network content it publishes.

However, not only does the advertiser today recognize the power of the social network, but also the job seeker. Job search has long been not found in the weekend papers or in central job sites, and effective and effective job search is taking place on the social networks, where we meet the positive side of a major speaker, all of whom are spacious in this process. The job seeker quickly and effectively becomes a happy employee, or a wealthy businessman expands his or her clientele and increases the scope of business opportunities.

In my opinion, the real initiators of the virtual social network were Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad. All three of them have perfectly transmitted a virtual idea effectively. The idea is called God. Opinions are divided as to who started, but this was not my theological discussion. But to a perfect segmentation of the transmission of the message according to different target audiences, and even more on the efficiency and speed of transmitting messages, in a competitive world full of idols.



  1. אילניתי, ברכותי לבלוג!

    מעניין ומרתק. מצפה לבאות,



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